There are tons of things that I love about knitting and crocheting. I love seeing a project start at nothing and turn into something fun and cute. I love seeing nice orderly stitches creating patterns out of nothing. I love the sense of accomplishment that I feel when I have learned a new skill or when I have finished a project. I love having people ask if I have made something and being amazed when I honestly say yes.
What I really love, though, is being able to knit or crochet anywhere, almost any time. I have long dreamed of living outside of the US for a period of a number of years. Whether or not that will ever actually happen, I'm not sure. But, if it ever does, if I ever decide to go down that road, I will be able to knit and crochet wherever I am! Though the world over has different types of yarn and different types of things they like to craft, it exists everywhere. So as long as I take my needles and hooks, I will be set!
I have started on my third baby hat to send with my sister. I am not getting them out crazy fast, but I think I started the first one last Tuesday or Wednesday, so that isn't half bad considering I haven't been doing this even a year. When I have some more done I will get a picture up here of the various colors I will be making to send with her. I am going with just plain but bright colors.
Lets throw some pictures of other projects in here, just for the heck of it!
This is my first personally designed pattern. You can find the pattern for purchase here: Bedside Rug There are some better pictures up there as well. The scissors are there for comparison in size. It isn't horribly fancy, but it is nice and fluffy and relatively simple!
I made some house slippers for myself, too. They are nice and cozy and another easy pattern. The yarn was multi-colored, I did not change colors for it, but I think they turned out well with that particular yarn and striping colors. Now, if only I could figure out where I put them in my apartment so that I could wear them again. Damn!
This is the back side of a washcloth that I made for my younger sister. You can tell it is the backside because almost all of the stitches, except the cup itself, are little bumps. That means they are purl stitches, and typically, though not always, purls indicate the backside of a work. But, this is supposed to be the Tri-Wizard cup. All four of the washcloths that I made for her had a Harry Potter theme. 26 or not, she loves her some Harry! I figured by doing them in purple and brown, which most of her decor is in, they were subtle enough that most people wouldn't immediately notice, so she could use them as actual cloths rather than just decorations for herself. She loved them.
Well, I think that is all I have for today. I will work on getting together more pictures to post 'cause I have done lots since these projects that I have already shown. In the meantime happy knitting or hookin'!
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