Well, I don't have a ton to talk about today. I did spend some time organizing some of my yarn - my apartment has already been taken over by it. But every so often I go through and try to organize it so that it does not, in fact, take over everything. I change my mind on how I think it will work best, and as I make more things and go through more yarn, naturally, I have more room. So I am slowly working my way through the massive amounts of yarn that I have - it is both fun and I feel productive.
I think I am going to start a big project soon. At least, a big project for me. I want to make a cute baby blanket on relatively small needles. I think I have the pattern I want to make, but I want to finish up a project or two more before I start on that.
So, contrary to what I said yesterday, I have been working today on a baby hat. I wound the remainder of the skein up into a ball, and then realized that the way I had wound it gave me a bounce-around ball rather than a center pull ball, making it hard to take it to class and not be distracting. So I am finishing it up before that and I will put another one on needles before class on Thursday. I also did a couple of rows on the crochet bag that I am going to felt. I will try to get some pictures up of the twin bags - the knit and the crochet, as soon as I get through the first 5" on both. I am there on the knit bag, but single crochet takes forever! But, I'm getting there. I also need to finish the second of a pair of slippers for my sister. They don't take long, I just got bored. And I have had a fingerless glove on needles since before Christmas - I really need to finish that up and get the second one done. It isn't a hard pattern - I think I avoid it because I have it on sharps and because I usually rest my needle against my chest, that can hurt. Plus, my tight stitches require me to push against those sharp ends. Oopsie!
I will leave it there for today. Hopefully I will get a snow day tomorrow and have more time to get some fun stuff done!
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